The babies

When babies are born their data added to a virtual database. Which can access anywhere in the solar system? The babies are never born by mother. The sperms and eggs are artificially fertilized in a special kind of an environment which is related to mother belly . When someone needs a baby they can select the egg and sperm and can produce the baby. In here everyone should donate there sperms and eggs to the reproduction bank. They are kept in a special cultures which never damage them. Every sperm or egg has their own ID so it is relate to the owner. When someone needs a baby they can select the sperm and egg and have a baby. But here annually produce specific numbers of babies. In beyond people cannot order a baby to produce. After the fertilization morula is developed then special environment. The food and everything supply and everything control the AI system. When the genetic error was found the baby was destroyed. The everything checked and concern about the quality. If a baby is not like they accept they can remove their request. The women never spend their time making or holding the baby inside themselves. But the baby will have the everything when they in inside mother body. Then after 10 months when the baby is released to the customer. They can take the baby to home and care about them. EIther they can keep them on baby care for more develop. When they are born special microchip connect to their brain. It will contain every data that they want to learn. When they grow parents can buy the different type of lesson software and install them on that chip. This chip can remove or replace. The data is installed it by wireless connection. Everything working through the support of waves. So the baby can learn anything they are interested. The learning means they can buy data and information and can put them on the chip. So the chip data and everything can be control by the power controller
they have. When the new innovation arrived they are published anyone can update their system as their willingness.


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